Updated January 1, 2025
January 2025 Atlanta Sacred Harp Singing UpdateHNY!!
Just two singing opportunities local to Atlanta area folks this month:
January 2nd, First Thursday, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Indoor singing from The Sacred Harp and The Eclectic Harmony. Emory Presbyterian Church, 1886 North Decatur Rd, Atlanta GA 30307. Park behind the church, off Westminster Way. "Test-to-Sing" COVID precautions: Vaccination is required; don't come if you have any COVID symptoms; same-day COVID antigen test required. Test at home, and bring the details to be verified. Tests are also available on site, if you arrive early. Info:Jim Neal, jim_neal-at-bellsouth.net.
January 5th, 1st Sunday, 2pm - Singing at Shawn Taylor's house in Atlanta. Singing from the Shenandoah Harmony. Loaner books will be available. We'll have a break with snacks! Email shawn-at-mapsandapps-dot-net for the address.
February brings more singing opportunities:
Saturday before the 1st Sunday - Dahlonega Shenandoah Harmony singing - Dahlonega, GA.
Saturday before the 1st Sunday - 4 book singing at Alabama State Archives - Montgomery, AL
1st Sunday - Burnham-Brown Singing - Methodist Student Center, Jacksonville State University - Jacksonville, AL
Saturday before the 2nd Sunday - Annual all day singing at Emory University. New location this year, in the Chapel of Candler School of Theology (in the building across from Cannon Chapel)
4th Sunday and Saturday before: -
-Saturday - all day singing from the JL White revision at Hardeman Primitive Baptist Church;
-Sunday - Athens area singing from the Social Harp & 1991 Sacred Harp - Railroad No. 3 in Arnoldsville, GA
Note: E-mail addresses on this page are shown with " -at- " in place of the "@" sign. In order to use these addresses, you must insert the "@" sign in place of " -at- ", with no spaces or dashes. This is to prevent abuse by spammers who scan the web for e-mail addresses.
Compiled by John Plunkett. To subscribe to the monthly e-mail version of this newsletter, go to the AtlantaSinging Google Group, and click "apply for group membership." (You'll have to create a Google account for yourself if you don't already have one.) Or you can send an email to mail@atlantasacredharp.org and request to join. Or at many Atlanta-area singings you can sign up to be added to this e-mail list.
Note: This Google Calendar is an experiment. Currently, the only events included will be the singings in the most recent newsletter and regular local singings within the state (let us know if you want your local singing to be included.) In other words, this calendar does not currently include singings that are months in advance. For events farther in the future, check out shapenotesingings.com.