26 April 2025
10:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Doors open at 9:30 AM
Dinner on the Grounds at Noon
First Existentialist Congregation of Atlanta
470 Candler Park Dr NE
Atlanta GA 30307
Singing from The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition
"What to Expect at a Sacred Harp Singing"
Chair: Andy Ditzler
Vice-Chair: Bill DuPre
Secretary: David Smead
In the Candler Park neighborhood of Atlanta
The space is accessible from the street by ramp
Ample FREE street parking
This event is free,
and open to the public
"Come and go at any time, but don't miss lunch!"
Loaner books provided, and beginners welcome
Just a
10-minute walk from the Edgewood/Candler Park MARTA Station
5-minute walk to the Candler Park Playground
Covid vaccination is strongly recommended, including a current booster.
Facemasks are optional. Distancing from the center of the square is also an
At-home testing is requested on the morning of the singing,
but won't be checked at the door.
Please do not attend if you have
recent exposure, or a recent
positive test.
We aim to make singing a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Public Facebook Event:
Version: 9 Jan 2025